Koi Pond Supplies

The beauty and tranquility of koi ponds are used by their owners to relax and relieve stress.  The sound of running water, the peaceful feel and the graceful swimming of the fish provide a restful atmosphere for owners to enjoy.  However, maintaining a koi pond takes work.  A well maintained pond helps to ensure the health of the koi who call it home.  Several steps need to be taken to ensure good water quality and provide the right environment for the fish.  In order to provide this care, owners will need certain supplies. 

Often, what is good for the owner is good for the koi.  A great example of this is the addition of a fountain or waterfall.  Obviously this provides additional enjoyment for the owner but it will also significantly benefit the health of the koi.  Water from the waterfall or fountain rushes in and moves the pond water around.  This adds oxygen to the water improving the water quality.  A water pump will also move the water around and is necessary in ponds both with and without waterfalls.  The filter is an owner’s most powerful tool in providing good water quality for their fish.  It removes unwanted pollutants as water is pushed through it.   The pump and filter work together to clean the water and provide the fish with a healthy environment.

Water quality and the health of the koi fish are inseparable.  Keeping a few essential items on hand will play a large part in maintaining a healthy pond.  Declorinator is used to remove harmful chemicals found in tap water.  As owners often have to replace water that has spilled or evaporated with water from the hose, it is very important to keep declorinator handy.  Having a water test kit available is also important.  A responsible owner will keep a close watch on the water’s pH and Nitrate levels.  Test kits are available at most pet stores.  Baking soda or pond salt can be used to regulate the pH level and/or the Nitrate level if the test shows an imbalance. 

Many owners place their koi ponds under trees.  This provides shade and protection both from the sun and from predators such as birds for the koi.  While trees are beneficial, they also tend to drop twigs, leaves, etc. into the pond.  A pond skimmer is extremely useful for removing such debris and should always be kept on hand.

When purchasing your pond supplies, whether at a pet store or online, make sure you are ready with some details about your pond.  The most important being the amount of water your pond holds.  This will help determine the exact pump that is best for your pond.  Whether or not you have a fountain or waterfall will also affect your pond pump choice as will basic aesthetic appeal.  You will have the choice of a surface pump (often less expensive and very easy to maintain) and a pump that is submerged.  Obviously, you’ll need to get a little wet if this pump ever needs maintenance but many owners find it worth the extra effort to show off a pond without a pump in view.

As you can see, the supplies needed to maintain a healthy, safe environment for your koi are relatively minimal, as is the energy that most owners will need to invest.  These minimal efforts are greatly rewarded with healthy, gorgeous koi gracing a beautiful, clean pond.

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